Ep. 10: Origin Story with Pedro Bonatto

Wanderings Podcast - Ep. 10: Origin Story with Pedro Bonatto
Pedro Bonatto

In this episode of The Wanderings Podcast, host Pedro Bonatto takes you on a deeply personal journey on the beginnings of his artistic work, his origin story, and he shares his new projects in music, video and photography being launched next week.

The first is called The Story of an Image, and it is his vlog talking about the process of creating images, the inspiration behind them and a documentation of his life getting into the art world. 

The second is a video series called The DNA of Music, featuring interviews and solo performances of musicians from a variety of cultures from around the world.

The last one is the launch of his crowdfunding/subscription project called The Postcard Club, where people who like his work can support it and get a bunch of goodies, including a monthly signed postcard with one of his images. 


Pedro's current Fine Art Photography Projects:

Pedro's world music and dance group: The Blue Dot Ensemble

Pedro's Instagram account: @pedrobonatto

Pedro Bonatto at his home studio in Toronto. Photo by Iana Komarnytska.

The music for the Wanderings Podcast is provided by The Blue Dot Ensemble, a world music and dance group exploring traditions from all over the planet, where I am one of the founders and lead drummer. You can find us at www.bluedotensemble.com