Today I submitted some of my fine art photos for a competition by SeeMe in New York and I’m very excited about the theme: “One Self”, about identity and self reflection. It came in good time, because it was exactly the subject of my first vlog, which I recorded yesterday and is coming out tomorrow.
This was the first group scene I created for The Orientalist. In fact, it was the first group shot I ever took as a professional photographer.
This photo is called The Letter, and it's basically where the whole project really started, a year ago
Dancers Atmo Kranti and Tatiana K photographed for The Orientalist Series
First photograph in The Orientalist series with a small discussion about the process of making it.
After a long hiatus, 'The Orientalist' is ready to be shown, and here I talk about the creative struggles of the last few months in relation to the project.
Here I talk about a photograph inspired by the sea, done in collaboration with Miruna Soui, which is the first of a mini-story combining images done in 3 continents.
Here I talk about the process of sorting, selecting and editing 7000 photos down to about 50. I also show how I'm going to use 'oriental' patterns on the backgrounds of some images.
I am doing shoots for 'The Orientalist' in Sofia, Larnaca and Kiev in Oct-Nov. Find some information about the trip and how you can be a part of the series.
Sometimes a location can inspire a shoot as much as a person or a concept. Here I explore how a space became a key component of a photograph.
"All this has happened before, and all this will happen again", as J.M. Barrie said in Peter Pan. Here I explore how different elements inspire ideas and and further develop a concept.
Sometimes it takes a long time for things to start suddenly. In this post I talk about the genesis of the idea for the series and how a creative collaboration with a dancer started the project.